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Search results for kappa,764 in Adler number:
Adler number: kappa,764
Translated headword: to sprinkle
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Used] with a genitive. It was a Thracian custom in their symposia, where, when the drinkers have drunk as much wine as they can, they pour the remainder of the wine down the cloaks of the drinkers; this they used to call "sprinkling" [it]. So [says]
Xenophon in [book] 7 of the
Anabasis of Cyrus.[1] It is also mentioned by the great
Plato in the
Xenophon says: "he stood up and, as soon as[3] he had finished drinking with him, joined him in sprinkling the dregs".
Greek Original:*kataskeda/zein: genikh=|. e)/qos h)=n *qra/|kion e)n toi=s sumposi/ois, i(/na, o(/tan pi/wsi tou= oi)/nou oi( sumpo/tai o(/son du/nwntai, to\ loipo\n tou= oi)/nou kataxe/wsi kata\ tw=n i(mati/wn tw=n sumpotw=n: o(/per e)/legon kataskeda/zein. ou(/tws *cenofw=n e)n tw=| z# th=s tou= *ku/rou *)anaba/sews. me/mnhtai tou/tou kai\ o( me/gas *pla/twn e)n toi=s *no/mois. kai\ o( me\n *cenofw=n le/gei: a)nasta\s w(s eu)qu\s sune/pie, kai\ sugkateskeda/sato met' au)tou= to\ ke/ras.
After the opening grammatical point (from syntactical lexica), the entry follows
Lexicon kappa357 Theodoridis.
Besides the sources quoted below, see
Deipnosophists 4.150F-151D [4.35 Kaibel] and 10.432A [10.39].
Anabasis 7.3.32 (a brief sprinkling episode rather than explicit comment on it).
Laws 637E.
[3] The adverb
eu)qu/s - but it should be the proper name Seuthes (
sigma 270).
Keywords: clothing; daily life; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; ethics; food; geography; historiography; history; philosophy
Translated by: David Whitehead on 17 July 2001@04:20:54.
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