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Search results for kappa,738 in Adler number:
Adler number: kappa,738
Translated headword: pathic, one who takes it up the ass
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] a lecherous man. The metaphor [is derived] from the so-called barley fish, because they follow in the rear. The genitive [is] katapu/gwnos; and the accusative [is] katapu/gwna and the other cases may be found. But katapu/gwn may also be found as a feminine. The act[1] is katapugosu/nh, that is to say, softness/effeminacy.
Greek Original:*katapu/gwn: o( la/gnhs. h( de\ metafora\ a)po\ tw=n a)lfi/twn ou(/tws legome/nwn i)xqu/wn, o(/ti e(/pontai kat' ou)ra/n. h( genikh\ de\ katapu/gwnos: kai\ katapu/gwna h( ai)tiatikh\ kai\ ai( a)/llai ptw/seis eu(/rhntai. eu(/rhtai kai\ to\ qhluko\n katapu/gwn. kai\ h( pra=cis katapugosu/nh, toute/stin h( malaki/a.
See already
kappa 737. The present entry derives in part from the
scholia to
Clouds 1023, where the noun
katapugosu/nh occurs; cf.
alpha 2684.
[1] Sc. of buggery, in the passive role.
Keywords: comedy; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; ethics; gender and sexuality; imagery; zoology
Translated by: Ross Scaife ✝ on 16 March 2002@08:00:10.
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