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Search results for kappa,713 in Adler number:
Adler number: kappa,713
Translated headword: stricken
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] one who has been continuously struck.
Theopompus [writes]: "but Eileithuia has pity, being stricken by women in her craft".[1]
Greek Original:*kataplh/c: o( sunexw=s peplhgme/nos. *qeo/pompos: a)ll' h( me\n *ei)lei/quia suggnw/mhn e)/xei, u(po\ tw=n gunaikw=n ou)=sa kataplh\c th\n te/xnhn.
Keywords: children; comedy; definition; gender and sexuality; imagery; religion; rhetoric; women
Translated by: David Whitehead on 30 November 2000@03:51:14.
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