*kata\ ph=xun e)pedi/dou: e)pi\ tw=n e)pi\ ta\ krei/ttw prokopto/ntwn. o( de\ filo/sofos a)nempo/distos ei)s e)pi/dosin diete/lei kai\ e)pedi/dou kata\ ph=xun, w(s fa/nai a)texnw=s, a)/xri tou= panikou= dustuxh/matos.
The headword phrase might be extracted from somewhere (unidentifiable) in this exact form, but is perhaps more probably a rearrangement of the one in the passage quoted.
[1] For the quasi-proverbial
kata\ ph=xun, "little by little", see LSJ s.v.
ph=xus, V.3.
Life of Isidore fr.286 Zintzen (166 Asmus); quoted already, in part, at
epsilon 2307. Bernhardy proposed the adverb
a)nempodi/stws instead of the transmitted adjective
a)nempo/distos. Jonathan Toup (1713-1785) and
Tiberius Hemsterhuis (1685-1766) suggested emending
panikou= "panic" to
panoiki/ou "of his whole household."
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