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Headword: *katacai/nein ei)s foiniki/da
Adler number: kappa,682
Translated headword: to card [someone] into purple
Vetting Status: high
Aristophanes [writes]: "'why do we townsmen spare the stones, not to card this man into purple?' 'How some black firebrand has boiled over on you!'"[1] Meaning not to make him bloody with stones, as [if] to make his body purple. He used [the verb] katacai/nein ["to card"] as [if] in reference to wool. Therefore also he said foiniki/da ["purple"] as [if] in reference to a cloak. The Lacedaemonians used to use a purple [cloak] when facing their enemies, on the one hand because [of] the manliness of the color, and on the other hand because the bloodiness of the color is accustomed to disregard the flowing of blood. So the phrase e)n foiniki/di ["in a purple cloak"], meaning in the rank of enemies, would likely signify garments, since having been made purple [means] having been made bloody. And a burning coal [is called] quma/lwy.[2]
Greek Original:
*katacai/nein ei)s foiniki/da: *)aristofa/nhs: ti/ feido/mesqa tw=n li/qwn oi( dhmo/tai, mh\ ou) katacai/nein to\n a)/ndra tou=ton e)s foiniki/da; oi(=os au)= me/las ti\s u(mi=n quma/lwy e)pe/zesen. a)nti\ tou= mh\ ou)xi\ li/qois au)to\n ai(ma/ssein, w(s foinikou=n au)tou= poih=sai to\ sw=ma. to\ de\ katacai/nein w(s e)pi\ e)ri/wn e)xrh/sato. dio\ kai\ foiniki/da ei)=pen w(s e)pi\ i(mati/ou. e)xrw=nto de\ oi( *lakedaimo/nioi foiniki/di pro\s tou\s pole/mous, tou=to me/n, o(/ti to\ th=s xro/as a)ndriko/n, tou=to de/, o(/ti to\ tou= xrw/matos ai(matw=des th=s tou= ai(/matos r(eu/sews e)qi/zei katafronei=n. to\ ou)=n e)n foiniki/di, a)nti\ tou= e)n ta/cei polemi/wn, a)poforh/mata dhlw/seien a)\n ei)ko/tws, e)pei\ to\ foinixqh=nai, ai(maxqh=nai. quma/lwy de\ o( diakekaume/nos a)/nqrac.
From a scholion on Aristophanes, Acharnians 320. For the verb, see also kappa 681, kappa 683, kappa 684.
[1] A close approximation of Aristophanes, Acharnians 320-321 (web address 1); quoted again at phi 788.
[2] cf. theta 546.
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Web address 1
Keywords: clothing; comedy; definition; ethics; geography; imagery; medicine; military affairs; trade and manufacture
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 3 July 2008@01:11:38.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (more keywords; tweaks and cosmetics) on 3 July 2008@03:16:12.
David Whitehead on 3 February 2013@06:43:50.
Catharine Roth (upgraded link) on 13 April 2013@18:52:55.


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