*katalu=sai: para\ *qoukudi/dh| e)pi\ tw=n o)xoume/nwn e)pi\ a(/rmatos. kata/gein de\ e)pi\ nho/s.
From a scholion on
Thucydides 1.136.2, where the headword (aorist infinitive of
kappa 639) occurs in the intransitive sense translated here (of the fugitive Themistokles staying with the Molossian king Admetos): see web address 1, and LSJ s.v.
katalu/w, II.2. The scholiast seems to be suggesting -- unconvincingly -- that the verb itself implies that a journey interrupted thus is one made by land transport. For
kata/gein in the sense of 'put in to shore' see LSJ s.v.
kata/gw, 4.
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