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Headword: *kata/logos
Adler number: kappa,630
Translated headword: katalogos, list, roster
Vetting Status: high
[Meaning] the listing of those obligated to serve in the military, and their enumeration.[1]
The public notice on which they used to write the names of those marching out for military service. Aristophanes [says]: "then no citizen who has been placed on the katalogos will be put on a new register in accordance with rivalries". Meaning rivalry against another.[2]
"And Trajan [...] two divisions from the great katalogos, and foreign troops."[3]
"For I now pass over the mob and those not on the katalogos". Thus says Aelian.[4]
Greek Original:
*kata/logos: h( a)pografh\ tw=n o)feilo/ntwn strateu/esqai, kai\ h( e)cari/qmhsis. o( pi/nac e)f' ou(= e)ne/grafon tw=n e)kstrateuome/nwn ta\ o)no/mata. *)aristofa/nhs: e)/peiq' o( poli/ths e)nteqei\s e)n katalo/gw| ou)dei\s kata\ spouda\s meteggrafh/setai. a)nti\ tou= kata\ a)/llou spoudh/n. o( de\ *traiano\s du/o strateu/mata kai\ tou= mega/lou katalo/gou, kai\ cenika/. th\n ga/r toi plhqu\n kai\ tou\s e)k tou= katalo/gou e)w= nu=n. ou(/tw fhsi\n *ai)liano/s.
[1] same glossing in other lexica; and cf. generally kappa 629.
[2] Aristophanes, Knights 1369-70, with comment from the scholia there.
[3] Arrian, Parthica fr. 81.
[4] Aelian fr. 140 Hercher; cf. epsilon 358.
Keywords: biography; comedy; definition; historiography; history; military affairs
Translated by: Mark Anderson on 11 March 2004@14:01:56.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (modified aspects of translation; augmented headword, notes, keywords; cosmetics) on 12 March 2004@03:11:44.
David Whitehead (tweaks and cosmetics) on 3 February 2013@04:51:07.


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