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Search results for kappa,607 in Adler number:
Adler number: kappa,607
Translated headword: to catch
Vetting Status: high
Translation: 'To catch' is said of fast footwork, when we say of someone fleeing that the pursuer 'caught' him. But the orators [apply it] also to punishment. Antiphon [says]: "not, by catching an innocent man, [to let off] the guilty one".[1]
Greek Original:*katalabei=n: ei)/rhtai kai\ e)pi\ ta/xous podw=n to\ katalabei=n, o(/tan le/gwmen, o( de\ to\n feu/gonta diw/cas kate/laben. oi( de\ r(h/tores kai\ e)pi\ tou= kola/zein. *)antifw=n: mh\ a)nai/tion katalabo/ntes to\n ai)/tion.
[1] Antiphon 2.4.11, where it can be understood as "convict".
Keywords: definition; ethics; imagery; law; rhetoric
Translated by: David Whitehead on 4 December 2001@06:58:08.
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