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Search results for kappa,594 in Adler number:
Adler number: kappa,594
Translated headword: possession
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] holding.[1]
"And the place itself was a fortification for possession of the season/time."[2]
And elsewhere: "... [that it] was the divine possession which gently opens and purifies the eyes of the soul."[3]
Greek Original:*katakwxh/: h( kata/sxesis. kai\ au)to\ to\ xwri/on e)pitei/xisma h)=n pro\s katakwxh\n th=s w(/ras. kai\ au)=qis: th\n de\ ei)=nai qei/an katakwxh\n h)re/ma dianoi/gousan kai\ a)pokaqai/rousan ta\ th=s yuxh=s o)/mmata.
[1] See also
kappa 595,
kappa 596; and cf.
kappa 597. The headword is better spelled
katokwxh/, but the late spelling
katakwxh/ is required by the alphabetization here.
[2] Quotation unidentifiable.
Tiberius Hemsterhuis (1685-1766) emended the final word from
w(/ras to
xw/ras ("... for possession of the territory"); his version appears in LSJ s.v.
katokwxh/ I.
Life of Isidore fr. 72 Zintzen (32 Asmus);
Photius Bibliotheca 337a 32-34; cf.
pi 2473.
Keywords: biography; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; geography; imagery; military affairs; philosophy; religion
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 13 July 2008@02:04:29.
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