Suda On Line
Search results for kappa,574 in Adler number:
Adler number: kappa,574
Translated headword: to rail at, to revile
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Used] with an accusative.[1] [Meaning] to scoff at.[2]
Greek Original:*katakertomei=n: ai)tiatikh=|. kataxleua/zein.
kappa 1423,
kappa 1424.
[1] From a syntactical source.
[2] Same or similar glossing in other lexica; see the references at
Photius kappa276 Theodoridis.
Keywords: definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; ethics
Translated by: David Whitehead on 28 May 2008@05:50:02.
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