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Search results for kappa,506 in Adler number:
Adler number: kappa,506
Translated headword: to observe, to lay a charge, to condemn
Vetting Status: high
Translation: They say that [katagnw=nai] and e)pignw=nai ["to recognize"] differ in this respect, that the Athenians say katagnw=nai properly in accusation and in [reference to] wickedness, [but e)pignw=nai in reference to finding out]; but gnw=nai ["to know"] without the prefix kata [means] "to have learned." So katagnou/s [means] as if having learned and perceiving.
Greek Original:*katagnw=nai kai\ e)pignw=nai tau/th| dienhnoxe/nai fasi/n, o(/ti to\ me\n katagnw=nai i)di/ws e)pi\ diabolh=| kai\ ponhri/a| le/gousin *)aqhnai=oi: gnw=nai de\ xwri\s th=s kata\ proqe/sews to\ maqei=n. katagnou\s ou)=n oi(onei\ katamaqw\n kai\ ai)sqo/menos.
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Keywords: comedy; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; ethics; law
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 16 April 2008@16:43:38.
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