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Search results for kappa,482 in Adler number:
Adler number: kappa,482
Translated headword: instalment
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Demosthenes [in the] ninth
Philippic [writes]: "just like a cycle or instalment of a fever".[1] In cyclical diseases one speaks of an "instalment" because of the fact that it occurs at a set time, in the way that the members of a loaning syndicate[2] pay the instalments of the money.
Greek Original:*katabolh/: *dhmosqe/nhs q# *filippikw=|: w(/sper peri/odos h)\ kata- bolh\ puretou=. e)n tai=s periodikai=s no/sois le/getai/ tis katabolh/, dia\ to\ e)n a)podedeigme/nw| proi+e/nai xro/nw|, kaqa/per oi( e)ranistai\ ta\s katabola\s poiou=ntai tw=n xrhma/twn.
Keywords: daily life; definition; economics; medicine; rhetoric
Translated by: David Whitehead on 29 November 2000@07:29:05.
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