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Search results for kappa,480 in Adler number:
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Headword: *kataboh/
Adler number: kappa,480
Translated headword: outcry
Vetting Status: high
[Meaning] blame, accusation.[1]
"He blamed him not the least and made not a slight outcry against the man."[2]
Greek Original:
*kataboh/: me/myis, kathgori/a. o( de\ ou)x h(/kista e)pime/mfetai au)tw=| kai\ kataboh\n pepoi/htai ta)ndro\s ou)k e)laxi/sthn.
[1] cf. scholion on Thucydides 1.73.1; see also kappa 484, kappa 906.
[2] Part of Menander Protector fr. 6.1 Blockley (82-83), part of Chosroes's description of the criticisms Ambrus (Saracen ruler allied to Persia in 561; cf. PLRE IIIa s.v. Ambros(2)) leveled at Yazdgushnasp Zikh. On Chosroes see generally chi 418. On the Zikh see omicron 1022 note. Find this fragment's further extracts at alpha 2811, alpha 3339, epsilon 491, epsilon 2331, theta 162, mu 637, mu 721, xi 124, pi 147, and pi 1695.
R.C. Blockley, ed. and trans., The History of Menander the Guardsman, (Cambridge 1985)
Keywords: biography; definition; ethics; historiography; history
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 1 December 2005@00:52:43.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (another keywords cosmetics) on 1 December 2005@03:16:39.
David Whitehead (updated a ref) on 3 January 2012@06:14:02.
David Whitehead on 30 January 2013@06:06:33.
Ronald Allen (expanded n.2, added bibliography and cross-references) on 9 October 2024@12:41:01.
Ronald Allen (added cross-references n.2) on 10 October 2024@12:00:24.


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