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Headword: *kastali/a
Adler number: kappa,462
Translated headword: Kastalia, Castalia
Vetting Status: high
It was a spring in what is called Daphne,[1] in which Apollo was said to be present and to give oracles, as a breeze and a breath arose from the water. From these [sounds] the people around the spring used to declare what the divinities were saying.
Greek Original:
*kastali/a: phgh\ h)=n e)n th=| kaloume/nh *da/fnh|: e)n h(=| e)le/geto paredreu/ein to\n *)apo/llwna kai\ xrhsmologei=n, au)/ras kai\ pnoh=s e)k tou= u(/datos a)nadidome/nhs. e)c w(=n oi( peri\ th\n phgh\n e)/legon, a(/per oi( dai/mones e)/legon.
cf. ps.-Nonnus, Scholia mythologica 5/16/1-6 (on Gregory of Nazianzus, PG 36.1045b).
[1] Near Antioch, in Syria.
Keywords: Christianity; definition; geography; imagery; religion
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 2 June 2006@13:38:42.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (augmented notes) on 4 June 2006@04:51:13.
David Whitehead (tweak; another keyword) on 25 July 2006@07:09:59.
David Whitehead (tweaking) on 29 January 2013@09:44:55.
Catharine Roth (coding) on 21 December 2014@00:30:07.


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