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Search results for kappa,460 in Adler number:
Adler number: kappa,460
Translated headword: Caspian mountains
Vetting Status: high
Translation: and Caspian Gates.[1] [Note] that there is in that place a sea where Ocean flows in; and the narrowest part of it is called the Caspian Gates, but the rest [is called] the Hyrcanian Sea.[2] Barbarian peoples live around it.
Greek Original:*ka/spia o)/rh: kai\ *ka/spiai pu/lai. o(/ti e)/stin e)kei= qa/lassa a)po\ th=s e)mbolh=s tou= *)wkeanou=: kai\ to\ me\n steno/taton au)th=s *ka/spiai pu/lai kalou=ntai, to\ de\ loipo\n *(urkani/a qa/lassa. perioikei=tai de\ barba/rois e)/qnesin.
cf. generally
kappa 461.
[1] For 'Caspian Gates' cf. e.g.
Diodorus Siculus 2.2.4;
Strabo 2.1.28, etc.; Arrian,
Anabasis 5.25.5, etc; Barrington Atlas map 92 grid H1 (in present-day Iran); Encyclopedia Iranica at web address 1.
[2] Apparently from an historiographical source; Adler's note cites FGrH 151, an anonymous Alexander-history. For the Caspian Sea see OCD(4) s.v.; Perseus Encyclopedia entry (with references to
Herodotus) at web address 2. For 'Hyrcanian Sea' cf. generally
upsilon 664.
Associated internet addresses:
Web address 1,
Web address 2
Keywords: definition; geography; historiography
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 13 September 2006@00:07:59.
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