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Search results for kappa,458 in Adler number:
Adler number: kappa,458
Translated headword: Kasos, Casus
Vetting Status: high
Translation: "Of [ = among] Romans, at any rate, the man that prevailed in single combat used to be wrapped with a crown of dog's tooth grass;[1] and Kasos was unconquered."
Aelian says [this].[2]
Greek Original:*ka/sos: *(rwmai/wn gou=n o( nikh/sas th\n mouna\c ma/xhn a)nedei=to stefa/nw| a)grw/stews: kai\ h)=n *ka/sos a)/maxos. fhsi\n *ai)liano/s.
The headword, evidently extracted from the quotation given, is problematic. It is the name of a small (64 km. sq.) island at the southern end of the Dodecanese chain, between Crete and
Rhodes; but clearly that is inappropriate here. A personal name would be apt, though Toup's suggestion of Kossos was declared rash by Adler; perhaps Krassos (cf.
omicron 354)? Hercher printed
kle/os ("renown").
[1] Dog's tooth grass,
a)/grwstis (cf. LSJ s.v.), which appears in the genitive singular in the quotation, is
Cynodon dactylon or
Bermuda grass. This turf and forage grass is native to northern
Africa, southern Europe, and Asia (Tutin, p. 259; Polunin, no. 1801), but gets its common modern name from having propagated so invasively on the island of Bermuda.
Aelian fr. 120 Hercher (123d Domingo-Forasté), unplaced; cf.
delta 233,
pi 2054; and
mu 1286.
T.G. Tutin, et al., eds, Flora Europaea, vol. 5, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1980
O. Polunin, Flowers of Europe, London: Oxford University Press, 1969
D. Domingo-Forasté, ed., Clavdii Aeliani: Epistvlae et Fragmenta, Teubner: Stuttgart and Leipzig, 1994
Keywords: biography; botany; clothing; geography; historiography; history; imagery; military affairs
Translated by: Ronald Allen on 21 February 2008@01:06:33.
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