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Search results for kappa,439 in Adler number:
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Headword: *ka/rfh
Adler number: kappa,439
Translated headword: hay
Vetting Status: high
[Meaning] the dry and light grass.[1]
"They filled the skins they had for tent-covers with hay. Then they gathered the skins and sewed them together, so that the water would not touch the hay."[2]
[This form] is used in the feminine.
Arrian [writes]: "and the skin [tents] being filled with hay and the entire bank appearing to be full of [troops] did not let Poros rest."[3]
And a neuter [form] is also used, to\ ka/rfos, [dative] tw=| ka/rfei.[4]
Greek Original:
*ka/rfh: o( chro\s kai\ kou=fos xo/rtos. difqe/ras ei)=xon skepa/smata e)pi/mplasan xo/rtou kou/fou. ei)=ta sunh=gon kai\ sune/spwn ta\s difqe/ras, w(s mh\ a(/ptesqai th=s ka/rfhs to\ u(/dwr. le/getai de\ qhlukw=s. *)arriano/s: kai\ ai( difqe/rai th=s ka/rfhs e)mpipla/menai kai\ h( o)/xqh pa=sa plh/rhs fainome/nh ou)k ei)/a h)remei=n to\n *po/ron. le/getai kai\ ou)dete/rws to\ ka/rfos, tw=| ka/rfei.
[1] cf. Hesychius kappa932.
[2] Xenophon, Anabasis 1.5.10 (web address 1 below), which reads difqe/ras a(\s ei)=xon ("the skins which they had").
[3] Arrian, Anabasis 5.9.3.
[4] cf. Hesychius kappa935.
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: agriculture; biography; botany; daily life; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; historiography; history; military affairs; trade and manufacture
Translated by: Ryan Stone on 19 March 2008@18:46:49.
Vetted by:
Jennifer Benedict (modified tr. and notes, added link, set status) on 19 March 2008@19:06:01.
Jennifer Benedict (more notes) on 19 March 2008@19:09:49.
David Whitehead (more keywords; tweaks and cosmetics) on 20 March 2008@04:26:28.
David Whitehead on 28 January 2013@08:31:37.
Catharine Roth (tweaked link) on 17 April 2019@01:36:17.
Catharine Roth (tweaked translation at Ron Allen's suggestion) on 18 April 2019@01:17:52.
Catharine Roth (restored lost words) on 18 April 2019@17:10:13.


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