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Headword: *kari=nos
Adler number: kappa,391
Translated headword: Karinos, Carinus
Vetting Status: high
[Carinus], son of the emperor Carus,[1] having come to power and [become] master of his desire, shot up [through] such great evil to tyranny, that to those who experienced it he made golden the tyranny acted out in tragic drama, and thus by his deeds far surpassed the name [sc. of tyrant]. For his rapes of [sc. well-]born[2] children, because they were customary, were not even regarded as rapes, but for him it was routine and easy to sin in such ways. And he would fabricate charges against the victims of injustice and judge them, and none of the judged would escape destruction. Since there was great and indescribable ruin, some of the wealthy were incidentally expended, like hens at public banquets, for the wanton luxury of Carinus. He would say that he remembered those being butchered: of some, that they had not praised his good looks; of others, that when he was speaking in his youth they had not admired him as he wished. Some also were slain who had at some time laughed in his presence; and all his [deeds] were more oppressive than omens from Zeus, and he would rage madly amidst his subjects.[3]
That Carinus, the son of Carus, after he became emperor, accomplished not one act leading to common welfare, but surrendered his affairs to wanton luxury and an undisciplined way of life, and would commit murders of innocent men--an incidental expenditure of his wanton luxury--who were thought in some way to have offended him. But, everyone being oppressed by a bitter tyranny, combined with [his] youth, and he doing everything discordantly and without reason . . . . [4]
Greek Original:
*kari=nos, *ka/rou tou= basile/ws ui(o/s, geno/menos e)n e)cousi/a| kai\ boulh/sews ku/rios, a)ne/drame thlikou=ton kako\n e)s turanni/da, w(/ste a)pe/deice xruso\n toi=s peiraqei=si th\n tragwdoume/nhn turanni/da: ou(/tw kai\ tou)/noma toi=s e)/rgois makrw=| parh=lqe. pai/dwn me\n ga/r oi( gegono/twn u(/breis dia\ to\ su/nhqes ou)de\ u(/breis e)nomi/sqhsan, a)ll' h)=n e)gku/klion au)tw=| kai\ pro/xeiron toiau=ta a(marta/nein. o( de\ e)gklh/mata/ te a)ne/platte kai\ e)di/kaze toi=s a)dikoume/nois kai\ tw=n dikazome/nwn ou)dei\s e)sw/|zeto: o(/pou ge pollh=s ou)/shs kai\ a)dihgh/tou th=s fqora=s, paranhli/skonto/ tines tw=n eu)daimo/nwn, w(/sper e)n koinoi=s dei/pnois a)lektori/des e)s th\n *kari/nou trufh/n. memnh=sqai de\ tw=n katakoptome/nwn e)/faske, tw=n me\n w(s ou)k e)ph/|nesan au)tou= to\ ka/llos, tw=n de/, o(/ti le/gonta, o(/te h)=n meira/kion, ou)k e)qau/masan w(s e)bou/leto: a)pw/llunto de/ tines kai\ gela/santes e)nanti/on au)tou= pote, kai\ pa/nta h)=n au)tou= baru/tera dioshmei/as, kai\ e)lu/tta e)n me/sois toi=s u(phko/ois. ou(=tos o( *kari=nos basileu/sas pra=gma me\n e)s koino\n o)/felos fe/ron ou)de\n ei)rga/sato: trufh=| de\ kai\ e)kdedih|thme/nw| bi/w| ta\ kaq' e(auto\n paradou\s parana/lwma th=s trufh=s e)poiei=to fo/nous ou)de\n h)dikhko/twn a)nqrw/pwn, kata/ ti proskekrouke/nai nomisqe/ntwn au)tw=|. barunome/nwn de\ pa/ntwn e)pi\ th=| pikra=| turanni/di sunanamixqei/sh| neo/thti, kai\ pa/nta e)kmelw=s kai\ di/xa logismou= pra/ttontos.
This entry contains two passages on the reign (283-285) of Marcus Aurelius Carinus (see OCD(4) s.v.).
[1] Marcus Aurelius Carus (see generally sigma 809 and OCD(4) s.v.) overthrew Probus (cf. pi 2354) in the autumn of 282. He promptly struck out, along with younger son Numerianus (cf. generally beta 10, mu 122, and OCD(4) s.v.), on a successful invasion of Persia, leaving Gaul for Carinus to defend. But Carus succumbed--according to diverse legends by a lightning strike, but probably from disease--in the summer of 283 (Dodgeon and Lieu, p. 112-118). De imperatoribus Romanis entry by William Leadbetter at web address 1.
[2] As Adler notes, Wölfflin and Casaubon proposed inserting eu)= before gegono/twn, born to the nobility, which emendation Blockley (p. 13) appears to accept; but cf. epsilon 133 and upsilon 15.
[3] Eunapius fr.4 FHG (4.14); Blockley, Eunapius fr. 5.1. Parts of it reappear at delta 1205, epsilon 133, and mu 83. On the scathing, but dubious, historical tradition regarding Carinus see delta 1205 note.
[4] John of Antioch (fr.162 FHG, now 246 Roberto; Blockley, Eunapius fr. 5.2) summarizes the preceding Eunapian fragment. It appears again in part at pi 401, but there the Suda incorrectly refers to the emperor Marcus Opellius Macrinus (cf. OCD(4) s.v.). Beginning with a strident genitive absolute clause, the final remark ends abruptly; it might well have been completed with a depiction of the demise of Carinus (Blockley, vol. II, pp. 12-13) or a statement of his ambiguous legacy; cf. Müller FHG (4.601).
R.C. Blockley, The Fragmentary Classicising Historians of the Later Roman Empire: Eunapius, Olympiodorus, Priscus and Malchus. Vol. II. Liverpool: Francis Cairns, 1983.
M.H. Dodgeon and S.N.C. Lieu, eds., The Roman Eastern Frontier and the Persian Wars (AD 226-363): A Documentary History. London: Routledge, 1991.
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: biography; children; ethics; food; gender and sexuality; historiography; history; imagery; law; military affairs; politics; religion; tragedy; zoology
Translated by: Ronald Allen on 6 November 2007@02:47:38.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (tweaks and cosmetics) on 6 November 2007@03:59:59.
Catharine Roth (added link) on 21 January 2011@19:01:56.
David Whitehead on 28 January 2013@04:33:09.
Aaron Baker (Edited translation of whole of first section and beginning of second.) on 27 July 2014@02:29:37.
Aaron Baker (More work on translation; corrected citation to Blockley.) on 27 July 2014@13:54:04.
David Whitehead (updated some refs) on 4 August 2014@05:49:55.
Aaron Baker (Put entries in Additional Bibliography in alphabetic order.) on 28 September 2014@18:58:30.
Catharine Roth (expanded note) on 28 November 2014@10:51:51.
David Whitehead (updated a ref) on 29 January 2015@10:25:17.
Catharine Roth (cosmeticule) on 12 April 2019@01:36:04.


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