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Search results for kappa,372 in Adler number:
Adler number: kappa,372
Translated headword: kneading-trough
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] a mortar of [= for] wheat-meal.[1]
A trough, in which they used to knead the loaves. Or a small tub, in which [it was] customary to knead and mix up the barley-groats.
ka/rdopos is feminine.
Aristophanes [writes]: "you call kardopos masculine, just like [sc. you do] Kleonymos". Some call [it] masculine; for he was woman-like.[2]
Greek Original:*ka/rdopos: h( ma/ktra tou= a)leu/rou. magi/s, e)n h(=| tou\s a)/rtous e)/matton. h)\ skafi/dion, e)n w(=| a)nama/ttein kai\ a)nafura=n e)/qos ta\ a)/lfita. qhlukw=s h( ka/rdopos. *)aristofa/nhs. th\n ka/rdopon a)rsenikw=s kalei=s, w(/sper *klew/numon. a)rsenikw=s kalou=si/ tines: gunaikw/dhs ga\r h)=n.
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Keywords: biography; comedy; daily life; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; ethics; food; gender and sexuality; women
Translated by: Ryan Stone on 18 March 2008@14:13:56.
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