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Search results for kappa,371 in Adler number:
Adler number: kappa,371
Translated headword: to have heartburn, to have stomach-ache
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [This is what] Sicilian Greeks [call] heart-suffering; what we [call]
boulimia=n ["to be starving"]. Apollodoros in the sixth [book] of
On Epicharmus says that the Sicilians call 'having a stomach-ache because of hunger'
kardiw/ttein[1] -- which
Xenophon calls
boulimia=n ["to be starving"].[2] And many call
eu)ka/rdia ["things good for the stomach"]
ta\ eu)sto/maxa.
Greek Original:*kardiw/ttein: th\n kardi/an a)lgei=n *sikeliw=tai: o(\ h(mei=s boulimia=n. *)apollo/dwros e)n e(/ktw| peri\ *)epixa/rmou tou\s *sikeliw/tas fhsi\ to\ to\n sto/maxon e)pida/knesqai u(po\ limou= kardiw/ttein le/gein, o(/per boulimia=n le/gei *cenofw=n. kai\ eu)ka/rdia polloi\ ta\ eu)sto/maxa le/gousin.
Same entry in
Photius; similar material elsewhere. The headword is the present active infinitive (Attic and Doric form) of
Apollodorus FGrH 244 F213, on
Epicharmus fr. 202 Kaibel (now 204 K.-A.; see also their testimonium #34).
Anabasis 4.5.8; cf.
beta 440.
Keywords: comedy; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; food; geography; historiography; medicine
Translated by: Ryan Stone on 18 March 2008@13:59:39.
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