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Search results for kappa,360 in Adler number:
Adler number: kappa,360
Translated headword: brogues
Vetting Status: high
Translation: A kind of shoe.[1]
"When their old shoes wore out, they had brogues made from newly skinned oxen."[2]
Greek Original:*karba/sinai: ei)=dos u(podh/matos. e)peidh\ a)pe/leipe ta\ a)rxai=a u(podh/mata, karba/sina ei)=xon e)k tw=n neoda/rtwn bow=n.
[1] Also
karba/tinai. 'Brogues' is the equivalence offered in LSJ s.v., but the term will not convey to modern readers the essential point (added by
Xenophon in the quotation below) that the footwear in question here was made of undressed leather. In other contexts the same material was used to cover siege-engines etc.
Anabasis 4.5.14.
Keywords: clothing; definition; historiography; military affairs; trade and manufacture; zoology
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 14 July 2006@23:31:07.
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