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Search results for kappa,36 in Adler number:
Adler number: kappa,36
Translated headword: offscouring, residue
Vetting Status: high
Translation: "Aren't you going to waste the offscourings, he said, and go away from us?"[1]
Aristophanes says [this]. For the purification of a city they used to kill some adorned [animal],[2] which they called
"And then he drags [Tithonus] into court and interrogates [him], setting traps [made] of words."[4] There are two ways to construe this: all in one,[5] and [= or] again [with] an apostrophe after the
r, [to produce]
skanda/lhqr’ i(sta\s. Those who prefer the all in one [option] explain it as follows: the word comes from the phrase [
to\ i(sta/nai ta\ skanda/lhqra, namely] the perches of the traps, because when they are triggered they close and hold in [the trap] which fell in. And the sense [is]: after dragging [Tithonus] before the tribunal he asks us [to be] co-advocates for himself and hunters of words. For the hyperbaton[6] [would be] as follows: "then after dragging us into court and interrogating us he put out traps".
*skanda/lhqra is the name for the small bent wooden sticks in the traps, into which they fit, and which Archilochos [calls]
r(o/ptron.[7] So [
Aristophanes] is saying here fixings and weights of words.
Greek Original:*ka/qarma: ou) fqei/rh| ka/qarma, ei)=pe, kai\ e)kpodw\n h(mi=n a)/pei; *)aristofa/nhs fhsi/n. u(pe\r de\ kaqarmou= po/lews a)nh/|roun e)stolisme/non tina/, o(\n e)ka/loun ka/qarma. ka)=|t' a)nelku/sas e)rwta=| skanda/lhqr' i(sta\s e)pw=n. dixw=s a)naginw/sketai: u(f' e(/n, kai\ pa/lin a)po/strofos e)n tw=| r, i(/na h)=|, skanda/lhqr' i(sta\s e)pw=n. oi( de\ u(f' e(\n a)naginw/skontes e)chgou=ntai ou(/tws: h( me\n le/cis pepoih/tai para\ ta\ pe/taura tw=n pagi/dwn, a)po\ tou= ska/zonta sumpi/ptein kai\ kratei=n to\ e)mpeso/n. o( de\ nou=s: a)nelku/sas e)pi\ tou= bh/matos sunhgo/rous e(autw=| kai\ qhreuta\s lo/gwn e)rwta=| h(ma=s: ou(/tw ga\r to\ u(perbato/n. ei)=t' a)nelku/sas skanda/lhqr' i(sta\s e)rwta=| h(ma=s. skanda/lhqra de\ le/getai ta\ e)n toi=s pagi/sin e)pikamph= cula/ria, ei)s a(\ e)rei/dei, a(/per *)arxi/loxos r(o/ptron: e)ntau=qa ou)=n le/gei e)rei/smata lo/gwn kai\ ba/rh.
For the headword (a neuter noun here in the singular but often plural: see LSJ) cf. generally
kappa 35,
kappa 37,
kappa 38,
kappa 39,
kappa 40.
[1] Adler suggested
Aelian as the source of this quotation, i.e. she ignored or rejected (without explanation) what seems, immediately following, to be an attribution to
Aristophanes. It has in fact been assigned to the fragments of
Aristophanes: first by Edmonds (fr. 673a, changing the first main verb to
fqerei=) and more recently by Demianczuk, who makes more substantial changes (fr. 59:
ou)k a)pofqerei=, ka/qarma, ka)kpodw\n h(mw=n a)/pei;). Kassel-Austin (and Henderson) make it fragment 686, reading
ou) fqerh=|, ka/qarma, ka)kpodw\n h(mi=n a)/pei; Henderson translates, "go to blazes, you pariah, and get out of our way".
[2] A young pig, according to
scholia on
Acharnians 44.
[3] cf. the
scholia to
Frogs 730; and
phi 104.
Acharnians 687, followed by material from the
scholia there; cf.
Photius s.v.
skanda/lhqra, and
sigma 534.
[5] i.e.
skandalhqrista/s, acrobats or trapeze-artists.
[6] i.e. a transposition of words or clauses.
Archilochus [
alpha 4112] fr. 186; cf.
rho 233,
rho 234.
Keywords: agriculture; comedy; daily life; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; history; law; politics; religion; rhetoric; zoology
Translated by: Konstantinos Kopanias on 15 November 2005@02:01:21.
Vetted by:David Whitehead (modified translation; augmented and modified notes; modified keywords) on 15 November 2005@05:59:30.
Ross Scaife ✝ (trivial change in translation, to test) on 15 November 2005@13:06:24.
Catharine Roth (cosmetics) on 15 November 2005@20:34:53.
David Whitehead (tweaked initial notes, to reject Adler's interpretation and reinstate the translator's; further adjustments; raised status) on 20 January 2013@09:29:07.
David Whitehead (more of same) on 21 January 2013@03:49:22.
Catharine Roth (cosmeticule) on 4 March 2013@01:10:21.
Catharine Roth (typo, expanded note) on 11 April 2013@22:47:19.
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