Suda On Line
Search results for kappa,345 in Adler number:
Adler number: kappa,345
Translated headword: Capnias, Kapnias, Smokey
Vetting Status: high
Translation: A poet who wrote nothing brilliant.
Greek Original:*kapni/as: poihth/s, o( mhde\n lampro\n gra/fwn.
In the paroemiographers (e.g.
Appendix Proverbiorum 3.43) the word poet is part of the headword: 'smokey poet'.
Hesychius kappa716 reveals, Capnias is a disparaging nickname ('Smokey') for the comic poet
Ecphantides (no Suda entry but see OCD(4) s.v.).
Keywords: biography; comedy; imagery; poetry
Translated by: Bobbiejo Winfrey ✝ on 27 July 2003@07:38:41.
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