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Search results for kappa,341 in Adler number:
Adler number: kappa,341
Translated headword: Capitolium, Capitol, Capitoline Hill
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Romulus, after founding/building the Palatine, also founded the Capitoline, which is the head of the city; in it he also placed the Palladium, having taken it from the city of Sylva. It was called Satureion at first, but later Capitoline from the visible head of a freshly-slaughtered body buried in the foundations in the earth.
Greek Original:*kapitw/lion: o( *(rwmu/los meta\ to\ kti/sai to\ *pala/tion e)/ktise kai\ to\ *kapitw/lion, o(/ e)sti kefalh\ th=s po/lews: e)n w(=| kai\ to\ *palla/dion e)pe/qeto labw\n a)po\ po/lews *si/lbhs. *satou/reion de\ pro/teron e)kalei=to, u(/steron de\ *kapitw/lion e)k th=s fanei/shs o)ruttome/nwn tw=n qemeli/wn e)n th=| gh=| kefalh=s sw/matos neosfagou=s.
See already
kappa 329. The present material has parallels in Byzantine historiography.
Keywords: aetiology; biography; chronology; dialects, grammar, and etymology; geography; historiography; history; mythology; religion
Translated by: Ryan Stone on 17 March 2008@20:37:18.
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