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Search results for kappa,337 in Adler number:
Adler number: kappa,337
Translated headword: retailer, huckster
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Some suppose [it] to be one [word] in place of another, as in the [quotation] from
Sophocles: "much mud is stirred up from jars."[1]
Sophocles [is] prone to [use the word]
phlo/s ["mud"]. However, wine is not mud. But where does the retailer get wine from? For a wine-seller is one thing and a retailer something else. For in general they used to call those selling something
ka/phloi ["retailers"]. [The word] is also [used] by
Sophron in the
Seamstresses.[2] But
Aeschylus calls all trickery
kaphlei=a ["hucksterism"]: "[he] offering the skills of a huckster."[3]
Greek Original:*ka/phlos: e(\n a)nq' e(no/s tines oi)/ontai ei)=nai: oi(=on e)k tou= para\ *sofoklei=. polu\s de\ phlo\s e)k pi/qwn turba/zetai. o( me\n ou)=n *sofoklh=s eu)epi/foros e)s to\n phlo/n. o( me/ntoi oi)=nos ou)k e)/sti phlo/s. po/qen de\ e)n tw=| kaph/lw| o( oi)=nos e)ggi/netai; kai\ ga\r e(/tero/n e)stin oi)nopw/lhs kai\ e(/teron ka/phlos. kaqo/lou ga\r tou\s pwlou=nta/s ti kaph/lous e)/legon. e)/sti de\ kai\ para\ *sw/froni e)n tai=s *)akestri/ais. o( de\ *ai)sxu/los ta\ do/lia pa/nta kaphlei=a kalei=: ka/phla profe/rwn texnh/mata.
Keywords: comedy; daily life; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; economics; ethics; food; trade and manufacture; tragedy
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 29 September 2008@01:15:13.
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