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Search results for kappa,318 in Adler number:
Adler number: kappa,318
Translated headword: basket
Vetting Status: high
Translation: A small basket.[1]
At the festival of the Dionysia at
Athens the well-born women used to be basket-carriers. The baskets on which they put the first-fruits of all [crops] were made of gold.[2] [The word]
kanou=n [comes] from
knei=n ["to scrape"], for in the basket the knife was hidden under the barley-grains[?] and the wreaths.[3] "The two of us having a basket and a pot and myrtle-branches wander seeking a place without trouble":
Sophocles [writes this].[4] They are bringing the [things necessary] for a sacrifice, so that when they settle they may make sacrifice for the founding [of a city]. For they used to settle [sc. perform foundation rituals] with pots. But others say that they used to carry [things] to protect against the birds: instead of a shield, a basket, and instead of a helmet, a pot, lest the birds fly at them and strike them -- and the myrtle-branches, for scaring off [the birds].
Greek Original:*kanou=n: kani/skion. para\ th\n tw=n *dionusi/wn e(orth\n *)aqh/nhsin ai( eu)geni/des gunai=kes e)kanhfo/roun. h)=n de\ e)k xrusou= pepoihme/na ta\ kana=, e)f' w(=n ta\s a)parxa\s pa/ntwn e)ti/qesan. kanou=n de\ a)po\ tou= knei=n. e)n tw=| kanw=| ga\r e)kru/pteto h( ma/xaira kai\ tai=s solai=s kai\ toi=s ste/mmasin. kanou=n d' e)/xonte kai\ xu/tran kai\ murri/nas planw/meqa zhtou=ntes to/pon a)pra/gmona: *sofoklh=s. ta\ pro\s qusi/an komi/zousin, i(/na oi)kh/santes e)pi\ th=| i(dru/sei qu/swsi. xu/trais ga\r i(/druon. oi( de/ fasin, o(/ti a)munth/ria tw=n o)rne/wn e)ba/stazon: a)nti\ o(/plou me\n kanou=n, a)nti\ de\ perikefalai/as xu/tran, i(/na mh\ e)fipta/mena ta\ o)/rnea tu/pth| au)tou/s. ta\s de\ murri/nas, pro\s to\ a)posobei=n.
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Keywords: agriculture; botany; clothing; comedy; daily life; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; food; geography; military affairs; poetry; religion; stagecraft; trade and manufacture; tragedy; women; zoology
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 11 March 2008@01:39:45.
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