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Search results for kappa,313 in Adler number:
Adler number: kappa,313
Translated headword: pack-ass
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [sc. Someone] slow to understand, or dull.[1] Or a large ass/donkey.[2]
Xenophon says: "in Babylon the date-palms are not less than a
plethron in size: indeed, when they are under great pressure, they bend upwards, just like pack-asses."[3]
Polybius [writes]: "he ordered the infantry to take the panniers with the baggage tied upon them from the rear, and place them in front of themselves. This being done, it created a protection safer than all stockades."[4]
Greek Original:*kanqh/lios: bradu\s noh=sai, h)\ a)fuh/s. h)\ o)/nos me/gas. *cenofw=n le/gei: o(/ti e)n *babulw=ni oi( foi/nikes ou) mei=on h)\ pleqriai=oi to\ me/geqos gi/nontai: oi(\ dh\ piezo/menoi u(po\ ba/rous a)/nw kurtou=ntai, w(/sper o)/noi kanqh/lioi. kai\ *polu/bios: e)n ga\r toi=s e)pidedeme/nois forti/ois ta\ kanqh/lia labo/ntas e)k tw=n o)/pisqen proqe/sqai pro\ au)tw=n e)ke/leuse tou\s pezou/s. ou(= genome/nou, sune/bh para\ pa/ntas xa/rakas a)sfale/staton gene/sqai to\ pro/blhma.
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Keywords: biography; botany; comedy; daily life; definition; ethics; geography; historiography; history; imagery; military affairs; philosophy; proverbs; zoology
Translated by: Ryan Stone on 14 March 2008@11:49:46.
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