[Meaning] let me burn, let me make holy.
*kaqagi/sw: kau/sw, kaqierw/sw.
Same or similar entry in other lexica. From the
scholia to
Lysistrata 238, where the headword (an aorist subjunctive occurs) occurs: Lysistrata herself says 'let me make this [goblet]
For the concept of
hagios, suggesting 'an attitude and feeling of looking upward in awe and veneration', see generally Walter Burkert,
Greek Religion (Oxford [Blackwell] 1985) 270-1. The scholiast's glosses draw attention to the fact that a regular way of making an offering
hagios was to burn it up (holocaust); here the joke comes with Lysistrata offering to drain it dry.
Catharine Roth (added note and keyword) on 27 August 2003@22:04:09.
David Whitehead (modified headword and translation; augmented note and keywords) on 11 July 2004@05:57:23.
David Whitehead (expanded note; another keyword) on 18 January 2013@09:04:04.
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