*ku/tos: o)/gkos, xw/rhma, ba/qos. pla/tos. kai\ *perikutw/santes. to\ de\ ku/tos tw=n ploi/wn kontoi=s katesto/rese pro\s eu)marh= sta/sin tw=n i(/ppwn.
[1] =
Synagoge kappa524;
Lexicon kappa1266 Theodoridis; cf.
Hesychius kappa4748.
[2] This gloss is confined, Adler reports, to mss GM. It is paralleled in ps.-Herodian,
Epimerismi 73.11 and, according to Adler, the
Ambrosian Lexicon (1903), and cf. also: the
scholia to
Seven against Thebes 495; to
Halieutica 1.334; to
Alexipharmaka 586; Athanasios,
On the Psalms 27.557.22; Cyril of Alexandria,
On the Psalms 69.1128.35.
[3] Bernhardy deleted this part of the entry. It is possible that it belongs not here but at
kappa 2793, where a quotation in the entry contains this participle and the lemma is the uncompounded form of the same participle (
kutw/santes). This form also appears in
tau 1164 (where it is used to describe the making of a drum), but neither it nor any other form of the compounded verb is attested elsewhere.
[4] Quotation (anticipated at
kappa 998?) unidentifiable.
Allen, J.T. "The meanings of ku/tos," Classical Philology 4 (1909): 355, 357-8
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