*ku/ttaros: to\ pw=ma th=s bala/nou, o(/pou e)gka/qhtai h( ba/lanos. h( th=s bala/nou pueli/s, h)\ to\ proeca/nqhma th=s r(oia=s, h)\ h( e)n toi=s khri/ois tw=n melittw=n pueli\s kai\ kata/trhsis. h)\ to\ u(yhlo/taton tou= ou)ranou=: le/gousi ga\r koi=lon ei)=nai to\n ou)rano/n, w(/sper tou= w)|ou= th\n lepi/da. to\ koilo/taton kai\ muxai/taton.
This entry seems to consist of information gathered in order to explain three Aristophanic passages where forms of the headword occur:
Wasps 1111 (web address 1),
Thesmophoriazusae 519 (web address 2), and
Peace 199 (web address 3). The
scholia to all three provide a mixture of information some of which is more appropriate to either of the other two contexts. The same word is glossed (from much the same sources) in the next entry,
kappa 2787.
[1] cf. the
scholia to
Thesmophoriazusae 519;
Hesychius kappa4747, epsilon7647. Here and throughout, the word used for acorn,
ba/lanos, can also refer to the glans of the penis, and one is never completely sure either here or in the other sources which one is meant.
[2] A scholion to
Peace 199 says that
Eratosthenes ascribes the view to
Lycophron that the headword refers to the thing where
ai( fhgoi/ ('oaks' or 'acorns') sit, only to dispute that in favor of the notion that that they are the cells of wasps.
[3] =
Photius kappa1267 Theodoridis (see also kappa1268, kappa1269, kappa1270); cf.
Pollux 7.147,
Hesychius kappa4747. Concerning 'the blossom-end of the pomegranate',
Hesychius kappa4745 ascribes this definition to the word
ku/tinoi (cf.
Photius kappa1271). Perhaps some confusion has arisen with a another definition for the current headword ascribed to Theophrastos: that it refers to the first-bloom (
proa/nqhsis) of the pine (
Historia Plantarum 3.3.8; see
kappa 2787).
[4] This part of the definition applies most directly to
Peace 199.
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