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Search results for kappa,2781 in Adler number:
Adler number: kappa,2781
Translated headword: convex
Vetting Status: high
Translation: and[1] hollow formation, and curved both to the back and to the front, that which has a front that is hollow or convex or curved; and this [last], as has been said, either to the back or to the front.[2] Thus its types number six, from that formed of the three either to the back or to the front.
Greek Original:*kurth\ kai\ koi/lh para/tacis, kai\ e)pika/mpios ei)s tou)pi/sw te kai\ pro/sw, h( to\ sto/ma koi=lon e)/xousa h)\ kurto\n h)\ e)pikampe/s: kai\ tou=to, w(s ei)/rhtai, h)\ ei)s tou)pi/sw h)\ ei)s to\ pro/sw. w(/ste ta\ ei)/dh au)tou= gi/netai e(/c, e)k th=s tw=n triw=n h)\ ei)s tou)pi/sw sxhmatizome/nhs h)\ ei)s to\ pro/sw.
Also repeated in the tactical lexicon at the end of the
[1] Meaning, in fact 'or'; see what follows (and LSJ s.v.)
[2] cf.
Asclepiodotus 11.1.
Keywords: definition; imagery; military affairs; philosophy; rhetoric
Translated by: William Hutton on 6 March 2008@02:22:04.
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