[Meaning a] lucky find, from the [verb] 'to light upon'; or a chance encounter and a figment of the imagination.
*ku/rma: e)pi/teugma, para\ to\ kurei=n: h)\ e)/nteugma kai\ spa/ragma tou= nou=.
This neuter noun is derived from the verb
kure/w, ku/rw (
kappa 2747,
epsilon 704), a synonym of
tugxa/nw (
tau 1147), and is also found in the form
ku/rhma (
kappa 2756).
Other glosses of the headword depend on its use at
Iliad 5.488 for booty after the defeat of a city (web address 1):
scholia ad loc.; Apollonius the Sophist,
Lexicon Homericum 105.26;
Etymologicum Magnum 548.45;
Hesychius kappa4692. The entry in the Suda, however, is virtually identical to the scholion to
Birds 430-31, where the word is used by the Hoopoe of Peisetaerus and his companion as they arrive dressed up among the birds (see web address 2). This entry gives the same gloss as for
ku/rhma at
kappa 2756, but also, as one alternative, the rare word
e)/nteugma, evoking
e)/nteucis, a common word for conversation and dialectic discussion (
epsilon 1468,
epsilon 1469). It seems a sophisticated explanation that the two men were picked up by chance on the street by the Hoopoe with a great deal of conversation thrown in. Equally sophisticated is the idea that they might be, in their weird dress, a 'fragment torn from the mind' or figment of the imagination. These alternative definitions probably have simpler explanations, e.g.
spa/ragma occurs as a scholiast’s gloss of Homeric
e(/lwr, a word coupled with
ku/rma at
Iliad 5.488 (web address 1), and may have simply been miscopied from one word to the other. LSJ offers a different explanation (web address 3), that, of a person, it refers to an opportunist, seizing on whatever happens to come his way.
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