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Adler number: kappa,2760
Translated headword: master assembly, chief assembly-meeting
Vetting Status: high
Translation: The prytaneis used to bring together the council and the people: the council every day, unless that day was a holiday; the people four times in each prytany. At the master assembly it was necessary to vote out of office any officials who did not seem to be doing a good job, and to discuss the security of the territory; and those wanting to intitiate an impeachment used to do so on this day.
Greek Original:*kuri/a e)kklhsi/as: oi( pruta/neis sunh=gon th\n boulh\n kai\ to\n dh=mon, h)\ th\n boulh\n o(shme/rai, plh\n e)a/n tis a)fe/simos h)=|: to\n de\ dh=mon tetra/kis th=s prutanei/as e(ka/sths. e)n de\ th=| kuri/a| e)kklhsi/a| e)/dei ta\s a)rxa\s a)poxeirotonei=n, oi(\ e)do/koun mh\ kalw=s a)/rxein, kai\ peri\ th=s fulakh=s de\ th=s xw/ras: kai\ th=s ei)saggeli/as e)n tau/th| th=| h(me/ra| oi( boulo/menoi e)poiou=nto.
Harpokration s.v. (abridged, and with minor manifestations of textual corruption ignored here) commenting on the appearance of the headword phrase in
Hyperides fr. 89 Jensen.
The material which glosses it comes from ?
Athenaion Politeia 43.3-4.
epsilon 470.
Keywords: constitution; definition; history; law; military affairs; politics; rhetoric
Translated by: David Whitehead on 4 December 2000@05:57:51.
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