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Headword: *kuri/a
Adler number: kappa,2759
Translated headword: sovereignty
Vetting Status: high
[Meaning] the force existing by nature.[1] Also [sc. attested is] 'sovereign', the defined and statutory day.[2]
"Crowded together in the sovereign [sc. assembly] itself, having fallen upon the leaders, they killed them all."[3]
Also [sc. attested is] kuriw/taton ["most/very important"], [meaning] the ultimate.[4] Polybius [writes]: "it was most/very important to flee the war [sc. and go] away from Macedonia."[5]
Greek Original:
*kuri/a: h( kata\ fu/sin u(pa/rxousa du/namis. kai\ kuri/a, h( w(risme/nh kai\ e)mpro/qesmos h(me/ra. a)qro/on te e)n au)th=| th=| kuri/a| e)pipeso/ntes toi=s h(gemo/si pa/ntas a)pe/kteinan. kai\ *kuriw/taton, to\ telew/taton. o( *polu/bios: kuriw/taton h)=n to\n po/lemon fugei=n a)po\ th=s *makedoni/as.
[1] This primary gloss -- before the rest of the entry turns to matters of law, history and historiography -- indicates that the (feminine) headword comes from a philosophical context; see generally LSJ s.v. ku/rios, II.1.
[2] Entry thus far = Photius, Lexicon kappa1247 Theodoridis, and likewise or similarly elsewhere (e.g. Pollux, Onomasticon 1.67.3). Perhaps a gloss on Demosthenes 21.84 (and 21.93), 'the statutory [day]' when a lawsuit in classical Athens had to come to court. And perhaps more broadly related to the Athenian 'sovereign' assembly-meeting, one per prytany (thus ten per year) in Aristotle's time; see ?Aristotle, Athenaion Politeia 43.4-6 (web address 1), and cf. epsilon 470, kappa 2760.
[3] Quotation (and incident -- not likely to be Athenian) unidentifiable.
[4] cf. epsilon 2766 (end).
[5] A variation on Polybius fr. 45 Büttner-Wobst; cf. epsilon 3102.
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: constitution; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; geography; historiography; history; law; military affairs; philosophy; politics; rhetoric
Translated by: Ronald Allen on 28 December 2007@02:43:14.
Vetted by:
Catharine Roth (modified translation) on 29 December 2007@00:33:01.
David Whitehead (another x-ref; tweaks and cosmetics) on 30 December 2007@04:51:44.
Catharine Roth (typo, note number) on 30 December 2007@22:25:10.
David Whitehead (augmented notes and keywords) on 31 December 2007@06:19:21.
David Whitehead on 25 March 2013@08:10:32.
David Whitehead (coding and other cosmetics) on 2 May 2016@13:16:39.
Ronald Allen (cosmeticule n.5) on 22 September 2018@16:42:25.
Catharine Roth (added a reference) on 15 March 2020@22:52:15.


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