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Search results for kappa,2744 in Adler number:
Adler number: kappa,2744
Translated headword: kyrbeis, kurbeis, crested stelae, crested tablets
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] three-sided[1] planks, on which the [sc. Athenians'] laws about sacred matters were written as well as the civic ones. And those having the laws concerning private matters were called axles and were rectangular.
Axles [
axones] and kyrbeis are different.[2]
Apollodoros[3] says that the kyrbeis hold the laws and that they are stones standing straight upright and from their standing position they are called stelae[4] and from their display aloft they are called kyrbeis from their rising to a crest -- just like the crest placed on the head.[5]
Aristotle says in
Constitution of the Athenians:[6] "they stood the laws they had written up on the kyrbeis in the royal stoa."[7]
Greek Original:*ku/rbeis: tri/gwnoi pi/nakes, e)n oi(=s oi( peri\ tw=n i(erw=n no/moi e)ggegramme/noi h)=san kai\ politikoi/. kai\ a)/cones de\ e)kalou=nto oi( peri\ tw=n i)diwtikw=n e)/xontes tou\s no/mous kai\ tetra/gwnoi. a)/cones kai\ ku/rbeis diafe/rousi. tou\s ku/rbeis fhsi\n *)apollo/dwros e)ggegramme/nous e)/xein tou\s no/mous: ei)=nai de\ li/qous o)rqou\s e(stw=tas, w(s a)po\ me\n th=s sta/sews sth/las kalei=sqai, a)po\ de\ th=s ei)s u(/yos parata/sews dia\ to\ kekorufw=sqai ku/rbeis: w(/sper kai\ kurbasi/an th\n e)pi\ th=s kefalh=s teqeime/nhn. *)aristote/lhs de/ fhsin e)n th=| *)aqhnai/wn politei/a|: a)nagra/yantas de\ tou\s no/mous ei)s tou\s ku/rbeis e)/sthsan e)n th=| stoa=| th=| basili/di.
See also
kappa 2745, and generally LSJ s.v.
[1] Literally "three angled", but three angles yield three sides.
[2] From
alpha 2833, q.v.
[3] (From now on the entry follows Harpokration s.v., an entry deriving in the first instance from
Lycurgus fr. 39 Conomis. See also
Lexicon kappa1233 Theodoridis.)
Apollodorus of
Athens, son of
Asclepiades, prolific scholar active in second-century BCE Alexandria. See generally OCD(4) 120, under '
Apollodorus(6)'; FGrH 244, where this is F107a.
[4] The noun
sth/lh is related to the verb 'stand',
[5] In Greek a rooster’s crest or the head-dress of a Persian king was called
kurbasi/a (
kappa 2741,
kappa 2742).
[6] ?
Athenaion Politeia 7.1 (web address 1).
[7] This stoa, erected in the last quarter of the 6th century BCE, stood in the northeast corner of the Athenian
Agora and has been extensively excavated. See the link below, and
beta 153.
Ronald S. Stroud, The Axones and Kyrbeis of Drakon and Solon. University of California Publications, Classical Studies 19. Berkeley and Los Angeles, 1979 [inter alia, contesting the Suda's claims]
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: architecture; clothing; constitution; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; geography; historiography; history; imagery; law; religion; science and technology
Translated by: Oliver Phillips â on 22 October 2002@20:09:26.
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