Apollo [is] called this at
Athens. Kynnis,[1] the son of Apollo and a nymph Parnethia, established him,[2] as Sokrates [writes] in [book] 12:[3] After Leto had put the infants [...] they were snatched by dogs.[4] [...] For dogs and shepherds heard their whimpering and got them back safely to their mother. Thus [a place] on
Hymettos was named after the dogs. Krates in the [book]
On the sacrifices of the Athenians writes thus:[5] "the Kyneeion belongs to Apollo Kyneeios, which comes from
qunnei=on ['tuna-rite'].[6] This tuna-rite is
a(lhsion;[7] and there is a great procession. The city devotes this sacrifice to Apollo Kyneeios at
Halai, when/where Demetrios the king [...][8]
*kunh/eios: *)apo/llwn *)aqh/nhsin ou(/tws lego/menos, o(\n i(dru/sato *ku/nnis, *)apo/llwnos kai\ *parnhqi/as nu/mfhs, w(s *swkra/ths e)n ib#: qeme/nhs th=s *lhtou=s ta\ bre/fh u(po\ kunw=n a(rpasqh=nai. tou= knuzhqmou= ga\r ai)sqome/nous ku/nas kai\ poime/nas a)nasw=sai th=| mhtri/. o)nomasqh=nai ou)=n e)n *(umhttw=| a)po\ tw=n kunw=n. *kra/ths e)n tw=| peri\ tw=n *)aqh/nhsi qusiw=n ou(/tw gra/fei: to\ de\ *kunh/eion e)sti\n *)apo/llwnos *kunhei/ou, to\ e)k tou= qunnei/ou gino/menon. tou=to de/ e)sti to\ qunnei=on a(lh/sion: kai\ gi/netai pro/sodos mega/lh. tau/thn h( po/lis ei)s qusi/an kataxwri/zei tw=| *)apo/llwni tw=| *kunhei/w| *(alh=si, ou(= *dhmh/trios o( basileu/s.
Lexicon kappa1210 Theodoridis, though with some significant differences.
For the headword itself, the mss of
Photius have some variety of
*Kunei=os, omitting the odd uncontracted cluster of vowels present in the Suda's
*kunnh/eios. Theodoridis, however, prints
*ku/nneios, following a suggestion by Dindorf based on inscriptional attestation of an Apollo Kynneios at Corinth (CIG 1.1102 = IG IV.363), and that is surely correct.
Polybios 32.15.12 also attests to the worship of Apollo Kynneios at Temnos in Anatolia.
Lexicon alpha3404 (s.v.
*)afro/ditos) includes a Kynneios (not specified as Apollo) among a list of
dai/mones who are in some vague way unusual, citing
Aristophanes (fr. 702 Kock, now 325 Kassel-Austin) and
Apollophanes (fr. 1 Demianczuk, now part of 6 K.-A.). See also
Hesychius kappa4591, and n. 1 below. See in general Toepffer (1889) 301-307; Parker (1996) 304.
[1] Following Bernhardy, Theodoridis emends the name to Kynnes (
*ku/nnhs); cf.
Lexica Segueriana 274.16 and
Etymologicum Magnum 545.51, where both are mentioned as possibilities. This hero is named as progenitor for an aristocratic Athenian family, the Kynnidai, who are mentioned in the oratory of Lykourgos (fr. 7.1) and who provided priests for the cult of Apollo Kynneios; see ps.-Herodian 3.2.540, Harpokration s.v.,
Hesychius kappa4592,
Photius kappa1212; see also
kappa 2707.
[2] That is, established his cult and/or shrine.
[3] Sokrates of
Kos (or Argos [
Surnames of the Gods fr. 16 FHG (4.499). How much Sokrates is responsible for --- (
a) only what precedes, (
b) only what follows, or (
c) some of both -- is impossible to say. Jacoby on FGrH 362 F2 (cf. next two notes) opts for
a, and assigns what follows up to the citation of Krates to some other author whose name has been lost in a lacuna.
[4] In the light of the positive role given to dogs in the next sentence, Naber (cited by Jacoby on FGrH 362 F2) suggested emending to
lu/kwn ('wolves'). Jacoby himself settles for obelizing the second mention of dogs.
[5] Krates of
Athens FGrH 362 F2.
[6] This etymology is highly unlikely, but it does provide more evidence that the original form of the headword was Kynneios rather than Kyneeios.
qunnei=on, translated here as 'tuna-rite', could also mean 'tuna-fishery' or 'tuna-shrine' or just about anything related to tuna; but
Deipnosophists 7.297E [7.50 Kaibel] describes a ritual for Poseidon, apparently at
Halai, called the
qunnai=on, which may be what is referred to here.
[7] This word is unattested elsewhere and unintelligible. But here
Photius comes to the rescue, reading
*(alh=si, 'at
Halai', sc.
Halai Aixonides, an Attic deme on the coast near the southern end of Mt.
Hymettos; the connection with Mt.
Hymettos argues in favor of this
Halai rather than
Halai Araphenides on the eastern coast of Attica.
[8] Jacoby and Theodoridis indicate a lacuna at the corresponding place in their respective texts. 'Demetrios the king' is presumably
Demetrius I Poliorcetes (337-283), who visited
Athens in liberator-mode in 307 and again in the 290s.
Toepffer, J. Attische Genealogie Berlin, 1889
Parker, R. Athenian Religion Oxford, 1996
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