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Adler number: kappa,2702
Translated headword: Hunting-ground, Kynegion, Cynegium
Vetting Status: high
Translation: That they used to throw suicides into the Hunting-ground. There were some gravestones there.[1] And Theodoros the lector, departing with Himerios the archivist, saw a gravestone there that was small in height and big in breadth and thickness. [Theodoros writes] "When I marveled [at the stone], Himerios said, 'well you should marvel,' he said,[2] 'because it is the one who founded the Hunting-ground.' And when I said , 'Maximinus[3] was the founder and Aristeides was the one who laid it out,' straightaway the gravestone fell from its high position there and dealt a killing blow to Himerios. I was frightened and fled to the church and announced what had happened. No one believed me, but I assured them with oaths. So the relatives of the deceased and some of the emperor's men proceeded with me to the place, and before seeing the corpse of the man, marveled at the corpse on the gravestone. And John, a philosopher, said that 'I discovered that a renowned man would die by this sculpture.'[4] Afterwards Philippicus the emperor,[5] when he was informed, ordered that this sculpture be buried in that very place."
Greek Original:*kunh/gion: o(/ti e)n tw=| *kunhgi/w| kaloume/nw| e)rriptou=nto oi( bioqa/natoi: h)=san de/ tines e)kei=se sth=lai. kai\ a)pelqw\n *qeo/dwros o( a)nagnw/sths meta\ *(imeri/ou xartoulari/ou ei)=den e)kei=se sth/lhn mikra\n tw=| mh/kei kai\ platei=an kai\ paxei=an pa/nu. e)mou= de\ qauma/zontos, fhsi\n o( *(ime/rios, qau/maze, e)/fh, o(/ti o( kti/sas to\ kunh/gion e)sti/n. e)mou= de\ ei)po/ntos, *macimi=nos o( kti/sas kai\ *)aristei/dhs o( katametrh/sas: pareuqu\ pesei=n th\n sth/lhn e)k tou= e)kei=se u(/yous kai\ dou=nai tw=| *(imeri/w| kai\ qanatw=sai. e)mou= de\ fobhqe/ntos kai\ pro\s th\n e)kklhsi/an fugo/ntos kai\ katagge/llontos to\ praxqe/n, a)pistou/ntwn pa/ntwn, o(/rkois tou/tous e)bebai/wsa. oi( ou)=n oi)kei=oi tou= teleuth/santos kai/ tines tou= basile/ws su\n e)moi\ e)poreu/qhsan e)n tw=| to/pw| kai\ pro\ tou= to\ ptw=ma i)dei=n tou= a)ndro/s, to\ ptw=ma th=s sth/lhs e)qau/mazon. *)iwa/nnhs de/ tis filo/sofos e)/fh, o(/ti eu(=ron u(po\ tou/tou tou= zw|di/ou e)/ndocon a)/ndra teqnhco/menon. e)c ou(= *filippiko\s o( basileu\s plhroforhqei\s tou=to to\ zw/|dion e)n tw=| au)tw=| to/pw| kataxwsqh=nai e)ke/leuse.
A paraphrase of some earlier account, close parallels for which are also preserved in
Parastaseis Syntomoi Chronikai 27-28 and ps.-Codinus,
Patria Constantinopoleos 24. The Hunting-ground (again under
sigma 181) was an amphitheater and a district near the center of ancient Constantinople.
[1] These two sentences are in the
Patria, but not the
Parastaseis; from here on out, however, this account resembles the
Parastaseis more closely than the
[2] This superfluous 'he said', which clouds the issue of who is speaking, is absent from the other versions.
[3] So also in the
Patria, whereas the
Parastaseis reads Maximianus. If these are references to emperors of these names (Maximinus Thrax [235-238] or Daia [305-313], or Maximianus [286-305]), none of them seems a likely candidate for making major foundations in
Byzantium/Constantinople (cf. Cameron and Herrin 1984: 203.
[4] This sentence clearer in the version in the
Parastaseis: John (an otherwise unknown figure) declares that he had foreseen the death of a renowned man from "the writings of
Demosthenes" (
e)n toi=s *dhmosqe/nous suggra/masin). It is tempting to think that John was somehow using the text of the classical orator
Demosthenes for divination, but Cameron and Herrin (1984: 204) do not seem to countenance that possibility.
[5] Philippicus Bardan, emperor 711-713. This passage is highly important for the dating of the
Parastaseis; see Cameron and Herrin 1984: 19-20.
Cameron, A. and J. Herrin, eds. 1984. Constantinople in the Early Eighth Century: The Parastaseis Syntomoi Chronikai. Leiden.
Berger, Albrecht, “Regionen und Straßen im frühen Konstantinopel”, Istanbuler Mitteilungen, 47, 1997, pp. 359-360.
Matthews, John, “The Notitia Urbis Constantinopolitanae”, eds. Lucy Grig and Gavin Kelly, Two Romes: Rome and Constantinople in Late Antiquity, Oxford University Press, New York, 2012, pp. 102-103.
Keywords: architecture; art history; biography; Christianity; chronology; daily life; ethics; geography; historiography; history; law; philosophy; politics; religion; rhetoric; zoology
Translated by: William Hutton on 12 March 2008@12:30:44.
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