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Search results for kappa,2695 in Adler number:
Adler number: kappa,2695
Translated headword: Kynegeiros, Cynaegirus
Vetting Status: high
Translation: An Athenian, Euphorion's [son], brother of [the tragedian]
Aeschylus: he grasped hold of the ship of the Persian admiral, which was already in flight, and had his right hand cut off; [so] he grasped it with his left, and when that too was cut off he fell and died.
Greek Original:*kunai/geiros, *)aqhnai=os, *eu)fori/wnos, *ai)sxu/lou de\ a)delfo/s, th=s strathgi/dos e)pela/beto nho\s tw=n *persw=n h)/dh feugou/shs kai\ th\n decia\n a)pokopei\s e)pe/bale th\n a)ristera/n, h(=s kai\ au)th=s a)pokopei/shs e)teleu/ta pesw/n.
A battle vignette -- here considerably ornamented (cf. Justin 2.9) -- from
Herodotus 6.114 (web address 1). The exploit of Kynegeiros was commemorated in the Painted Stoa (
pi 1469):
Natural History 35.57.
Aeschylus see generally
alphaiota 357 (where
inter alia all three of his brothers are named).
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: art history; biography; ethics; geography; historiography; history; medicine; military affairs; tragedy
Translated by: David Whitehead on 6 September 2001@05:11:40.
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