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Search results for kappa,2675 in Adler number:
Adler number: kappa,2675
Translated headword: wave
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Aristophanes [writes]: "and [they] having these things in the clutches of waves."[1] Meaning being in many perils and dire straits.
[Note] that in colloquial language big waves are called 'goats'.[2] Whence comes also [the verb] 'I goat upon' [applied to] 'I blow strenuously'.
Greek Original:*ku=ma: *)aristofa/nhs: kai\ tau=t' e)/xontes kuma/twn e)n a)gka/lais. a)nti\ tou= o)/ntes e)n polloi=s kindu/nois kai\ a)na/gkais. o(/ti ta\ mega/la ku/mata e)n th=| sunhqei/a| ai)=ges le/getai. e)c ou(= kai\ e)paigi/zw e)pi\ tou= sfodrw=s pne/w.
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Keywords: comedy; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; imagery; poetry; zoology
Translated by: William Hutton on 8 April 2008@03:13:52.
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