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Search results for kappa,2672 in Adler number:
Adler number: kappa,2672
Translated headword: Gimp's Pouch
Vetting Status: high
Translation: The Pouch [is] a place by
Hymettos,[1] in which there is a shrine of Aphrodite and a spring. Women who drink from the spring give birth easily, and those who are infertile become fertile. Kratinos in
Softies calls it Kallia,[2] but some call it Gimp's-pouch [
*kullouph/ra]. The proverb is applied to those who do violence to nature on purpose.[3]
Aelian [writes]: "the cock standing on the one foot stretched out the one that was maimed and gimpy, as though calling for witnesses and making clear how he had suffered."[4]
Greek Original:*kullou= *ph/ran: h( *ph/ra xwri/on pro\s tw=| *(umhttw=|, e)n w(=| i(ero\n *)afrodi/ths kai\ krh/nh, e)c h(=s ai( piou=sai eu)tokou=si kai\ ai( a)/gonoi go/nimoi gi/nontai. *krati=nos de\ e)n *malqakoi=s *kalli/an au)th/n fhsin, oi( de\ *kullouph/ran. ta/ttetai de\ h( paroimi/a e)pi\ tw=n th\n fu/sin biazome/nwn e)c e)pitexnh/sews. *ai)liano/s: o( de\ a)lektruw\n e(stw\s e)pi\ qate/rou podo\s prou)/teine to\n lelwbhme/non kai\ kullo/n, w(/sper ou)=n marturo/menos kai\ e)mfai/nwn, oi(=a e)pepo/nqei.
Keywords: comedy; daily life; definition; gender and sexuality; geography; imagery; law; medicine; poetry; proverbs; religion; women; zoology
Translated by: William Hutton on 7 April 2008@22:07:02.
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