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Search results for kappa,2670 in Adler number:
Adler number: kappa,2670
Translated headword: gimpy
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] one who is disabled.
The Attic authors call people 'gimpy' in the case of [impairments of] feet and the the hands; likewise they call 'lame' those who are disabled in the hand.
Eupolis [writes]: "because you are very lame in your hand."[1] There is also the expression 'Gimp's Satchel', a place in Attica called that.[2] It is also a fountain from which barren women drink in order to conceive.
Greek Original:*kullo/s: o( pephrwme/nos. *kullou\s de\ *)attikoi\ kalou=sin e)pi\ podw=n kai\ e)pi\ tw=n xeirw=n: o(moi/ws kai\ xwlou\s tou\s xei=ra pephrwme/nous. *eu)/polis: o(/ti xwlo\s ei)= su\ th\n xei=ra sfo/dra. le/getai kai\ *ku/llou ph/ra, to/pos ou(/tw kalou/menos e)n th=| *)attikh=|. e)/sti de\ kai\ krh/nh, a)f' h(=s ta\s steri/fas pi/nein gunai=kas, i(/na sullamba/nwsi.
See also
kappa 2671 (and
chi 425);
Lexicon Vindobonense 33. The headword occurs in
Birds 1379 (web address 1) and the commentary probably stems from that reference.
Eupolis fr. 247 Kock, now part of 264 K.-A.
[2] cf.
kappa 2672, and
Lexicon kappa1193 Theodoridis, who says the place also goes by the name of "Satchel"
*ph/ra or "Kollopera" (
kolloph/ra), and is located near Mt.
Hymettos. See also
Appendix Proverbiorum 3.52 and other paroemiographic collections.
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: comedy; daily life; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; gender and sexuality; geography; medicine; proverbs; women
Translated by: William Hutton on 29 March 2008@19:37:43.
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