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Search results for kappa,2640 in Adler number:
Adler number: kappa,2640
Translated headword: of ash-mixing
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] of stirring up the ash.
Aristophanes [writes]: "Kleigenes the Small, the most rascally bath-man of all who are masters of ash-mixing, sham-soda dust and Kimolian earth." ["Ash-mixing" means] that which mixes the ash, combining it with soda. And "Kimolian" [refers to] a white earth.[1] [
Aristophanes] is saying that [Kleigenes] is rascally in the realm of every earth that the bath-men possess: Kimolian, ash and everything else of the sort.
Greek Original:*kukhsite/frou: tarattou/shs th\n te/fran. *)aristofa/nhs: *kleige/nhs o( mikro/s, o( ponhro/tatos balaneu/s, o(po/soi kratou=si kukhsite/frou yeudoli/trou te koni/as kai\ *kimwli/as gh=s. th=s kukw/shs te/fran, memigme/nhn tw=| ni/trw|. kimwli/a de\ leukh\ gh=. le/gei de/, o(/ti ponhro/s e)sti pa/shs gh=s o(/shs oi( balanei=s kratou=si, kimwli/as, te/fras kai\ th=s loiph=s th=s toiau/ths.
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Keywords: biography; comedy; daily life; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; economics; ethics; geography; poetry; science and technology; trade and manufacture
Translated by: William Hutton on 27 March 2008@13:21:25.
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