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Adler number: kappa,2510
Translated headword: concealment
Vetting Status: high
Translation: A method, by which the proposition is able to be subjected to a hidden syllogism. The person who proposes by concealment must use premises in such a way that when all the premises through which the proposition is proven have been set forth, and when the final one has been spoken, the result following on those that have been set forth being unclear how it is inferred from what is given,[1] and so that the respondent asks how this follows from what is given.
Greek Original:*kru/yis: me/qodos, di' h(=s oi(=o/n te lanqa/nein sullogizo/menon to\ prokei/menon. xrhste/on de\ prota/sesi to\n kruptikw=s e)rwtw=nta, w(/ste h)rwthme/nwn pasw=n tw=n prota/sewn, di' w(=n dei/knutai to\ prokei/menon, kai\ tou= e)sxa/tou e)pi\ toi=s e)rwthme/nois e(po/menon sumpe/rasma tou= r(hqe/ntos a)/dhlon o)\n pw=s tou=to suna/getai e)k tw=n keime/nwn kai\ zhtei=n to\n a)pokrino/menon dia\ ti/ tou=to e)pife/rei toi=s keime/nois.
A somewhat garbled (see note 1 below) quotation of Alexander of
Commentary on Aristotle's Topica 2.2 (526.1-2 & 14-18 Wallies).
[1] The awkwardness of the English translation follows the awkwardness of the Suda's text. Alexander reads:
kai\ tou= e)sxa/tou e)pi\ toi=s h)rwthme/nois e(pome/nou sumpera/smatos r(hqe/ntos a)/dhlon ei)=nai pw=s suna/getai... ("and when the final conclusion that follows from the things set forth has been spoken, it is unclear how it is inferred...").
Keywords: definition; ethics; philosophy; rhetoric
Translated by: William Hutton on 24 September 2008@15:37:13.
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