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Adler number: kappa,250
Translated headword: beauty
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Strength] is in the symmetry of the similar parts in us, [of the sinews, bones, and lungs], [but beauty is in symmetry of the dissimilar parts], of the face, the neck, the hands, the other parts, which are secondary to our primary powers. By the same reasoning strength would be proved preferable to beauty: for the similar parts in us, in which [is] our strength, are prior to the dissimilar parts, in which [is] our beauty. For each of the dissimilar parts consists of similar parts, as the face [consists] of bones and sinews and flesh. For this reason [each dissimilar part] is also removed when [the similar parts] are removed, but when [the dissimilar part] is removed, it does not remove[1] [the similar parts] along with it.
Greek Original:*ka/llos: summetri/a tw=n o(moiomerw=n e)n h(mi=n merw=n, prosw/pou, traxh/lou, xeirw=n, tw=n a)/llwn merw=n, a(\ u(/stera/ e)sti tw=n prw/twn duna/mewn. tw=| de\ au)tw=| lo/gw| deiknu/oito a)\n h( i)sxu\s ai(retwte/ra tou= ka/llous: prw=ta ga\r ta\ o(moiomerh= e)n h(mi=n, e)n oi(=s h( i)sxu/s, tw=n a)nomoiomerw=n, e)n oi(=s to\ ka/llos: e(/kaston ga\r tw=n a)nomoiomerw=n e)k tw=n o(moiomerw=n su/gkeitai, oi(=on to\ pro/swpon e)c o)stw=n kai\ neu/rwn kai\ sarkw=n: dio\ kai\ sunanairei=tai me\n a)nairoume/nwn, ou) sunanairei=tai de\ a)nairoume/nwn.
Alexander of
Commentaries on Aristotle's Topica 236.14-21 Wallies, abridged in such a way as to obscure the meaning. On
o(moiome/reia, see
omicron 310.
[1] Alexander's text has
sunairei= in the active, instead of the Suda's middle/passive
Keywords: definition; medicine; philosophy
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 9 March 2008@01:39:24.
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