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Headword: *krw/zei
Adler number: kappa,2492
Translated headword: is croaking
Vetting Status: high
[Meaning he/she/it] is crying like a crow or a raven.[1]
"She's croaking backwards again." [sc. The croaking signifies] 'go to the back!' Aristophanes in Birds [sc. says this].[2] For 'backwards' [means] to the back: "stretching the backward-stretching bow."[3] And elsewhere: "I do not know what you are croaking."[4] In references to those who chatter pointlessly, like crows. Aristophanes in Wealth [says]: "I know what you are croaking about -- as though I have stolen something and you're looking to get a share."[5] And elsewhere: "as for this, old woman, you may croak it to yourself."[6] From a metaphor of birds that are ill-omened.
Greek Original:
*krw/zei: w(s ko/rac h)\ korw/nh kra/zei. h(/de d' au)= krw/zei pa/lin. ei)s tou)pi/sw a)/pelqe. *)aristofa/nhs *)/ornisi. pa/lin ga\r to\ ei)s tou)pi/sw: pali/ntona to/ca titai/nwn. kai\ au)=qis: ou)k oi)=d' o(\ krw/zeis. e)pi\ tw=n ma/thn qrulou/ntwn, w(s ai( korw=nai. *)aristofa/nhs *plou/tw|: ou(= me\n oi)=d' o(\ krw/zeis: w(s e)mou= ti keklofo/tos, zhtei=s metalabei=n. kai\ au)=qis: tou=to me/n, w)= grau=, sauth=| krw/cais. a)po\ metafora=s tw=n o)rne/wn tw=n dusoiwni/stwn.
The entry largely consists of a series of citations from Aristophanes, with comments from the scholia.
cf. kappa 2491, kappa 2493.
[1] = Synagoge kappa476; Photius, Lexicon kappa1127 Theodoridis.
[2] Aristophanes, Birds 2 (web address 1).
[3] Homer, Iliad 8.266 (web address 2).
[4] A garbled paraphrase of Aristophanes, Plutus [Wealth] 369 (web address 3). The mss of Aristophanes read su\ me\n oi)=d' o(\ krw/zeis. ("You - I know what you are croaking.") The slight difficulty of the first person verb oi)=da ('I know') intervening between the second person pronoun su/ ('you') and the verb it governs, krw/zeis ('you are croaking'), may have motivated the misreading of ou)k ('not') for su/ ('you'). This misapprehension may also be reflected in the gloss, but perhaps not. See also next note.
[5] A more lengthy (lines 369-70) and precise quotation from the same passage (see previous note). Here ou(= ('about what') is read for su/ ('you'). Again at omicron 899.
[6] Aristophanes, Lysistrata 506 (web address 4).
Associated internet addresses:
Web address 1,
Web address 2,
Web address 3,
Web address 4
Keywords: comedy; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; epic; gender and sexuality; imagery; military affairs; poetry; religion; science and technology; stagecraft; women; zoology
Translated by: William Hutton on 3 July 2008@08:17:09.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (another x-ref; tweaks and cosmetics) on 3 July 2008@09:06:07.
David Whitehead on 18 March 2013@08:05:31.
David Whitehead (coding) on 2 May 2016@09:44:52.


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