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Search results for kappa,2467 in Adler number:
Adler number: kappa,2467
Translated headword: old-fashioned blindspots, old-fashioned eye-rheums
Vetting Status: high
Translation: A proverbial saying, just like the [sc. one which says] "having one's eyes running with cooking-pots and pumpkins."[1] Used of people who are dim-sighted.
"Being purblind in the mind with old-fashioned opinions",[2] or rather, with reasoning blinded by ancient foolishnesses, that is, being dim-sighted. Rheum is a congealed teardrop, which injures the eyes when it sets in. So [
Aristophanes] is indicating reasoning that is blinded, as if it has rheums.
Greek Original:*kronikai\ lh=mai: paroimi/a: w(/sper to/, xu/trais lhmw=n kai\ koloku/ntais. e)pi\ tw=n a)mbluwpou/ntwn. kronikai=s gnw/mais lhmw=n th\n fre/na, h)/goun a)rxai/ais mwri/ais e)skotisme/ne to\ fronei=n, toute/stin a)mbluwpw=n. lh/mh de/ e)sti to\ pephgo\s da/kruon, o(/per e)pikaqezo/menon bla/ptei tou\s o)fqalmou/s. shmai/nei ou)=n to\ tetuflwme/ne ta\s fre/nas, w(/sper oi( ta\s lh/mas e)/xontes.
The headword phrase (which did, as claimed, become proverbial: see
Diogenianus 6.63) is generated from
Plutus [
Wealth] 581 (web address 1 below); and the entry as a whole draws on that line -- never actually quoted here -- and the
scholia to it. See again at
lambda 447; cf.
chi 614; and see also the
scholia to
Clouds 327.
[1] For these terms see web addresses 2 and 3 below.
[2] A loose paraphrase of the Aristophanic line, from the
Associated internet addresses:
Web address 1,
Web address 2,
Web address 3
Keywords: botany; comedy; daily life; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; imagery; medicine; proverbs
Translated by: Yukai Li on 21 May 2009@16:38:18.
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