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Search results for kappa,2465 in Adler number:
Adler number: kappa,2465
Translated headword: of an onion-vinegar-belch
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Meaning of indigestion; for such a belch [is] sharp and unpleasant. So he has composed the expression from onions [kro/mmua] and acidity [o)cu/ths] and belching [e)rugh/]. For they habitually take these [foods] into war. For this reason also the bag [is] bad-smelling from these. Or also because the bag being covered for a long time with various relishes and sauces gives out a certain smell mixed with vinegar.
Greek Original:*krommuocuregmi/as: a)nti\ tou= a)peyi/as: drimei=a ga\r kai\ a)hdh\s h( toiau/th e)rugh/. a)po\ tw=n krommu/wn ou)=n kai\ th=s o)cu/thtos kai\ th=s e)rugh=s sunte/qeike th\n le/cin. tau=ta ga\r ei)w/qasi komi/zein ei)s po/lemon. dio\ kai\ o( gu/lios e)k tou/twn dusw/dhs. h)\ kai\ o(/ti e)pi\ polu\ e)gkalupto/menos o( gu/lios e)k diafo/rwn o)/ywn te kai\ zwmw=n o)ci/dos su/mmikto/n tina o)smh\n o)/dwde.
From a scholion on
Peace 529, where this comic compound occurs in the genitive (web address 1).
For onions cf.
kappa 2464.
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: comedy; daily life; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; food; medicine; military affairs
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 6 March 2009@00:47:03.
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