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Search results for kappa,2464 in Adler number:
Adler number: kappa,2464
Translated headword: to eat onions
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Equivalent to crying. For when Alyattes sent to
Bias the sage [telling him] to make haste and come to him, "I",
Bias said, "have something to tell Alyattes: eat onions".[1]
Aristophanes [writes]: "then you had better not eat an onion".[2] Meaning you should wail even without onions. And another saying: "to smell onions",[3] in reference to those who are weeping.
Greek Original:*kro/mmua e)sqi/ein: i)/son tw=| klai/ein: *)alua/tth| ga\r pe/myanti pro\s *bi/anta to\n sofo/n, i(/na qa=tton par' au)to\n h(/koi, e)gw/, fhsi/n, *)alua/tth| keleu/w kro/mmua e)sqi/ein. kai\ *)aristofa/nhs: kro/mmuo/n t' a)/r' ou)k e)/dh|. a)nti\ tou= klau/sh| kai\ xwri\s krommu/wn: a)nti\ tou= dakru/seis kai\ xwri\s krommu/wnos. kai\ e(te/ra paroimi/a: krommu/wn o)sfrai/nesqai, e)pi\ tw=n klaio/ntwn.
Keywords: biography; botany; comedy; daily life; definition; ethics; food; gender and sexuality; medicine; philosophy; proverbs
Translated by: David Whitehead on 6 September 2001@03:07:33.
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