[Meaning someone] striking with the feet. Or desiring.
*kroai/nwn: toi=s posi\ krou/wn, h)\ e)piqumw=n.
The headword is present participle, masculine nominative singular, of the verb
kroai/nw. Same glossing in other lexica, and cf. a scholion on
Iliad 6.507 (= 15.264), where it is used of a horse in a simile (web address 1, and quoted under
alpha 935).
According to Aristonicus,
Archilochus was wrong to interpret
kroai/nwn as "desiring" (but the verb does not appear among the fragments of the poet
Archilochus). Apollonius the Sophist offers both interpretations as alternatives.
The participle also occurs in an Anacreontic fragment (West 60.6), where the context is musical ("striking up a melody").
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