Suda On Line
Search results for kappa,2446 in Adler number:
Adler number: kappa,2446
Translated headword: Crispus
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Name[1] of the son of Constantine the Great. Constantine killed him without trial, though he had already been given the title of Caesar. He came under suspicion of having intercourse with his stepmother Fausta, paying no heed to the law of nature. Since Helena, the mother of Constantine, had a hard time bearing such a disgrace, Constantine consoled her by telling her he had cured the evil with a greater evil; for he had had a bath house completely burned down; having placed Fausta in it he brought her out dead. (It would be interesting to find out whether he did this after he had been baptised.[2])
Greek Original:*kri/skos, o)/noma tou= ui(ou= *kwnstanti/nou tou= mega/lou: o(\n kataktei/nei a)/kriton, h)/dh th=s tou= *kai/saros a)ciwqe/nta timh=s, e)s u(poyi/an e)lqo/nta tou= *fau/sth| th=| mhtruia=| sunei=nai, tou= th=s fu/sews qesmou= mhde/na lo/gon poihsa/menos. th=s de\ *kwnstanti/nou mhtro\s *(ele/nhs e)pi\ tw=| thlikou/tw| pa/qei dusxerainou/shs paramuqou/menos au)th\n w(/sper o( *kwnstanti=nos kakw=| to\ kako\n i)a/sato mei/zoni: balanei=on ga\r u(pe\r to\ me/tron e)kpurw/sas, tou/tw| th\n *fau/stan e)napoqe/menos e)ch/gage nekra/n. zhthte/on de\ ei) meta\ to\ baptisqh=nai au)to\n tou=to e)poi/hsen.
This material (apart from the final "editorial" comment) comes from
Zosimus 2.29.
[1] The Suda gives the name here as Criscus (Kriskos) and at
pi 2302 as
[2] This "mysterious scandal" (OCD(4) p.364) occurred in 326 AD, eleven years before his death-bed baptism (ibidem p.380).
Keywords: architecture; biography; Christianity; dialects, grammar, and etymology; ethics; gender and sexuality; historiography; history; law; religion; women
Translated by: William Hutton on 10 February 2001@00:52:09.
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